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Praise for ‘The Prospect’ Oak Bay’s proposed heritage conservation area

Stuart Stark led a packed audience on a journey through Oak Bay
Michael Prince and Karen Wallace-Prince propose Oak Bay designate their segment of Oak Bay as a Heritage Conservation Area. Oak Bay News file

Thanks to the Community Association of Oak Bay and Oak Bay’s Heritage Foundation, the public was treated to a fascinating glimpse of Oak Bay’s past at a recent heritage lecture held at the Monterey Centre.

Jointly sponsored by the association and the foundation and presented by heritage specialist and author Stuart Stark, the audience learned about a part of Oak Bay’s past through the unique history of “The Prospect.” To better protect its future, you may recall that the Prospect Place neighbourhood is currently proposed as Oak Bay’s first Heritage Conservation Area.

Using vintage photos, maps and stories, Stuart Stark led a packed audience on a journey through Oak Bay that began in the nineteenth century. In addition to Mr. Stark’s presentation, political scientist and Prospect Place neighbourhood spokesperson and community leader Dr. Michael Prince, gave a brief summary of the current status of the residents’ proposal to designate the neighbourhood a Heritage Conservation Area. If approved by Mayor and Council, this would be a first for Oak Bay and a possible model for future heritage conservation elsewhere in the municipality.

On behalf of the Heritage Commission, I want to acknowledge the efforts of both the community association and the foundation, to help promote Oak Bay’s heritage and history and highlight the ongoing work of the Prospect Place neighbourhood’s heritage project, one that Dr. Prince points out reflects the best of community-building.

Cairine Green, chair

Oak Bay Heritage Commission

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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