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Letter: Visitor defends public art in Oak Bay

‘Find something real to take issue with, and one you can actually take part in changing.’
Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen addresses the crowd during a stop at What The Nose Knows by Ronald Simmer. The work is the first to garner a call to municipal hall and letter to the editor at the Oak Bay News opening up the art debate in Oak Bay. (Christine van Reeuwyk/Oak Bay News)

Who is this grouchy person the week of June 7 (Letters, Oak Bay News) who doesn’t like the nose art that is now by Estevan village?

Talk about First World problems. I love visiting Oak Bay and in my experience, it has no homeless people, beautiful gardens, clean public washrooms, few traffic lights and fun community events.

At the Tea Party which I volunteer for, we had wallets turned in with nothing stolen from them and returned to the proper owner. Yet you have the audacity to complain about some animals being in an art display for one year?

Find something real to take issue with, and one you can actually take part in changing.

The art of the last year and this year I and others appreciate each time we go into the community and see it.

If you don’t like it, go downtown and see and smell things there, and all the traffic and issues that actually affect people there.

Ashley Cornwell


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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