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LETTER: Residents should be compensated for construction noise

Re: Langford residents’ complaints about construction noise on the rise in the Aug. 31 Goldstream Gazette.

Re: Langford residents’ complaints about construction noise on the rise in the Aug. 31 Goldstream Gazette.

I read with interest this article not just because I was quoted in it, but more importantly because I realized there is much more to this matter that I would like to comment on.

My understanding is that under common law the owner of a property has the right to the quiet enjoyment of said property. In my view, this enjoyment can be interrupted by the noise caused by drilling and blasting and the dust created by these actions. Further, if an owner believes their quiet enjoyment is impacted by such stated work, they can take the perpetrator to court for nuisance under the law of torts.

The noise created in our neighborhood this summer from the drilling and blasting with the resulting dust from work being undertaken on an adjacent property has had, in my view, a significant impact on the quiet enjoyment on a number of properties.

I believe the perpetrator could reduce the impact on these properties by, for example, providing the owners of properties impacted by its work with gift cards to cover car washing, house cleaning, window washing, and the power washing of house siding and patios.

I suggested the above examples are reasonable requests and all understanding contractors would understand the negative impact its work is having on the neighborhood.

Ian Phillips


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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