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Letter: Leave Turkey Head alone, says adjacent resident

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We oppose any development on Turkey Head. We have lived across the street in peace and contentment for many years. Do not define it as underutilized. We go there every day. There is constant traffic and people walking from dawn to dark.

We do not appreciate the Community Association of Oak Bay imposing itself on our neighbourhood. Excess noise and congestion compounded with aggressive commercial interests dominating the area are not wanted – no shops at the end of Turkey Head and no signage the reflects a teaching addiction. We do not need more clutter of unnecessary signs.

Do not use the indigenous people to decorate your narcissistic projects. We are great supporters of indigenous people and know directly from them that they feel used as they were in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show for the entertainment of white people.

The parking lot is often completely full. It will only increase in its parking needs as the years go on. The Oak Bay Marina Restaurant needs parking as well as the boat owners. T he boat owners cannot drag all their sailing gear and equipment for blocks away if the parking is inadequate. The dockside coffee shop is overflowing with people most of whom arrive in cars. Ocean River brings several large kayak trailers with dozens of kayaks parked at the end of Turkey Head. They launch in the cove.

It is a nature park, a place of peace and meditation. It is the only flat sidewalk where seniors can feel safe. There are hills and lumpy sidewalks in other nearby areas of Oak Bay. People of all ages constantly walk and run on Turkey Head and relax on the benches. It should be left alone. We have an unobstructed view and do not want it cluttered with anything.

Lisa Juhler

Oak Bay