As Easter nears we are seeing a lot of advertising using rabbits.
How many children see these adorable creatures and beg mom or dad to get them a real Easter bunny. Before you do you should understand that rabbits are unlike cats or dogs and are truly high maintenance unless you confine them to a safe outdoor area and they still take a lot of work.
Cages have to be kept tidy. As point of interest rabbits should never be kept in a cage unless they can get out and exercise about two hours a day. Water and food bowls have to be cleaned daily and fresh vegetables must be available instead of generic pet shop pellets.
Rabbits don’t respond like cats or dogs. They are actually quite timid and very fragile. Drop a cat and it will land on its feet. A rabbit will land on whatever part of its body is closest to the ground. Injuries will occur as will the odd bout of sickness. But rabbits being prey animals won’t show the pain and unless the owner is knowledgeable enough to recognize something is wrong the rabbit could die.
Because a rabbit does not purr or fetch a child will become bored. Chores that your child promised to do will be forgotten leaving this up to the parent, who likely has no time. Then what happens to that sweet bundle of fluff that the kids so badly wanted? It goes to a vet or is dumped on the side of road or in a forest which in all cases is a death sentence.
Please think twice before getting your child an Easter bunny. Chocolate bunnies are much better and less expensive in the long run.
William Jesse
Oak Bay