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Accepting the unacceptable

Our prime minister is perfectly correct when he describes the niquab and its concomitant repressive symbolism as “anti-women.”

I can’t remember another occasion upon which I’ve agreed with Stephen Harper, but he has my complete support on this niquab issue.

I am frankly disgusted by the sorry spectacle of Trudeau and Mulcair groveling to appease a cadre of people which is making completely unacceptable demands upon our tolerant and accepting country. Why are we Canadians forever apologizing for ourselves? Can’t we just once stand up and reject the cloying political correctness and crippling moral relativism which beset us?

Our prime minister is perfectly correct when he describes the niquab and its concomitant repressive symbolism as “anti-women.” Religious freedom is something which we Canadians cherish, but surely it has a limit. Hindus, Jews, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, atheists, secular humanists etc.  seem to feel no compulsion to swear the oath which grants them the great privilege of Canadian citizenship wearing a disguise; why should an exception be allowed for anyone else?

There are 58 countries where it is considered appropriate to oblige women to walk about in cocoons. I suggest that those who wish to live under such duress exercise one of our precious Canadian freedoms – the freedom to leave.

John C. Simpson


Oak Bay