Beachgoers were treated to the spectacle of a house moving in Oak Bay on Wednesday.
Nickel Bros. has been upcycling houses for decades, saving quality homes from winding up in the landfill. While it’s gaining popularity as a cost-effective alternative to demolition, moving buildings is also becoming more challenging because of traffic infrastructure changes with beautification and traffic calming measures eliminating some corridors.
Nickel Bros., the company that did the March 22 move, says Oak Bay is among the communities where municipal staff are proactive and see ways to help clear paths.
There are several set routes in the community and this move took a two-bedroom 1948 house from Anscomb Place a short trip down Beach Drive to the waiting barge at Willows.
RELATED: Houses on the move as recycling movement picks up momentum in Oak Bay
RELATED: Oak Bay mansion boats to Shirley (video)
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