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Fall schedule brings bus route changes

Transit buses return to fall schedule next Tuesday

As kids gear up for a new school year, B.C. Transit does the same.

On Tuesday (Sept. 6), buses return to their full schedule after the lazier days of summer.

Seven routes are affected, and some have changed numbers. They include:

No. 13 Cadboro Bay/UVic, which now operates hourly during the day, on Saturdays and extends to Shelbourne at Cedar Hill.

No. 10 Royal Jubilee/Dockyard returns to its regular route from Bay Street to Wilson and Catherine now that road construction is complete.

No. 16X UVic/Uptown Express replaces No. 26A Dockyard/UVic.

No. 80 UVic/Swartz Bay has been renumbered to No. 76.

Customers can visit the website,, or to pick up the latest Rider’s Guide to view the latest schedules.


About the Author: Staff Writer

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