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Election 2014: council candidate Heather Holmes

District of Oak Bay: Heather Holmes - council candidate
Heather Holmes

Do you live in Oak Bay?

I am a fourth generation of Oak Bay and except for a brief period have lived in Oak Bay for 61 years. I have owned 5 houses in Oak Bay during my lifetime. My most recent purchase where I live now is approximately 200 metres outside of the border.

Are you in favour of some form of amalgamation in the Capital Region?

I am on record since January as supporting a question on the ballot regarding amalgamation. I would respect the democratic decision of residents. It is a complex issue and without specifics on costs, benefits, and risks to Oak Bay I cannot take a position.

What is your vision for sewage treatment in Oak Bay?

The province requires that sewage must be treated in the CRD. Federal and provincial funding does not apply to all sewage treatment solutions. I support a system that will comply with federal and provincial funding requirements. If another option is preferred by residents, it will require extensive funding discussions.

Do you think speed limits should be lowered in high crash areas?

For the most part speed limits are suitable for the current traffic flow. To support any decision to lower limits I would require accurate data from Oak Bay police regarding the number of accidents and how speed factors into such incidents.

Should mobility scooters be regulated?

Motorized scooters are predominantly used by those with mobility issues or physical disabilities. I would not support a ‘tax’ that overwhelming targets people with disabilities. I believe this is an issue for the Province of B.C. to regulate. Continued effort is needed to educate riders on safety issues.

Is a deer cull necessary?

Proper environmental stewardship requires the management of urban deer. The number of deer deaths in Oak Bay has increased significantly with deer-vehicle collisions. Safety of residents, drivers and children is paramount. I advocate Oak Bay to continue work with the CRD to implement a deer reduction strategy.

Should secondary suites be legalized?

Common sense suggests the first priority regarding secondary suites in Oak Bay is to ensure any illegal suites are up to code and made safe. Any further development requires public consultation. The needs of seniors and students could be examined to address the rising costs of living through suites.

Does Oak Bay need stronger noise bylaws?

I would like to see more stringent noise regulations for motor vehicles including motorcycles. Some Canadian cities administer fines. I also want to examine regulations for landscaping tools such as gas powered lawnmowers and leaf blowers with restricted use.

Should Oak Bay allow more freedom for dogs?

As a dog owner it is my opinion there are significant amounts of leash optional opportunities for my pet. Common sense dictates no dogs on any Oak Bay beaches during the May 1 to September 30 calendar cycle. I believe the majority of dog owners in Oak Bay are responsible.

Do you agree with the basic principles in the new OCP?

In my opinion Oak Bay’s recently passed OCP lacks greatly in transparency and clarity, and is open to extensive interpretation. I am disappointed that the content of the OCP has been poorly communicated to residents and I want to ensure people have the information they need to understand it.

Should council encourage more filming opportunities in Oak Bay?

The recent six month filming of Gracepoint in Oak Bay was an economic boost to the entire region. The production placed Oak Bay on the international map and enhanced our reputation as a destination for film. Further opportunities should be considered as long as disruptions are well managed.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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