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LETTER: More buses would alleviate parking needs

Re: UVic loses parking for proposed new energy plant, Oak Bay News, March 10

Re: UVic loses parking for proposed new energy plant, Oak Bay News, March 10

In regard to UVic’s projected parking paucity, may I meekly suggest that, if BC Transit were to hold a bake-sale or something and field a few more buses to trundle UVic students (and UVic’s chronically impoverished sessional precariat) to lectures, fewer parking stalls would be needed.

As it is, bus after bus roars by, solid with students inserted by industrious application of shoehorns and olive oil, and ignoring weeping and gesticulating would-be passengers. A pitiful spectacle. No wonder so many give up and buy cars that they (and the environment) can’t afford.

Unfortunately, given the time-honoured inability of UVic and BC Transit boffins – and their political masters – to locate their whatsits in the dark with a flashlight, this common-sense solution seems unlikely to be implemented.



Hilary Knight

Oak Bay


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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