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Mutual inspiration infuses annual jazz at Monterey

Intergenerational concert features dinner and music on Feb. 4
Joe Hatherill leads the Monterey Concert Band in a rehearsal ahead of the third annual We Jam for Kids

The joining of generations returns for a third year with cross-generational jazz at the Monterey Recreation Centre.

The third annual We Jam for Kids brings together talented musicians from the Monterey Concert Band and U-JAM (Universal Jazz Advocates and Mentors) Young Jazz All Stars.

“Having an 80-year-old and a 15-year-old playing together and being in in sync is fantastic,” said Ervin Braithwaite. “It’s amazing the camaraderie you get regardless of age.”

Braithwaite has performed in all three concerts alongside U-JAM’s Sam Laramee, who agrees the intergenerational aspect is inspiring.

“You get all these kids that are up and coming in this whole world, the elders have been in their whole lives … you start to understand that this is the music that was super popular in their day … it’s interesting,” said teen performer Laramee, in his third concert. “I’m planning to go into music as a career so doing this, and seeing how far they’ve come, it’s really quite uplifting.”

That perspective is exactly one of the reasons Joe Hatherill, Monterey Concert Band conductor, commits the band to this project each year.

“They don’t always realize that it’s something that’s going to last. They find out it’s a lifelong learning,” Hatherill said. “It’s bringing more people in from different backgrounds, it’s especially getting them off the couch and from behind screens.”

The U-JAM performers offer a modern twist to classic jazz.

“We’re doing some Latin stuff and an old bebop standard Donna Lee,” Sam said. “It’s a crazy quick, double-time swing thing and we’ve infused a hip hop vibe. It’s awesome to do a new take on something.”

The repertoire for the Monterey musicians includes tunes such as Jump Jive an’ Wail, Moon River and “a march because we always do a march,” Hatherill said. “We hope to incorporate a teen soloist.”

We Jam for Kids is Feb. 4 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Monterey Recreation Centre and features dinner and music for $26. Call 250-370-7300.

Visit to learn more about the young performing group.