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Traffic count a relative thought

Re: Prospectors aren’t so welcome (News, April 27)

I have been driving Prospect Place from time to time for more than 30 years. It used to be a restful little drive and a delight to the eyes before the “new” houses were built on the west side, but now there is little pleasure in driving it.

Between the speed inhibitors, potholes and neighbours chatting in the roadway, it is sometimes a challenge – and I have observed the golden retriever occupying space with neighbours on the roadway itself. All appear rather disgusted at the sight of my small car.

Oddly enough I cannot recall seeing another car in either direction.

I live on Oak Bay Avenue and would hate to count the number of cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, ambulances and fire trucks, etc. which make a sometimes continuous flow of traffic all day on my street: Both ways.

H.M. McLelland

Oak Bay