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NIMBY comment hurtful

re: Lodge timely, necessary (Oak Bay News, Letters, June 20)

I am responding to Lodge timely, necessary (Letters, June 20.)  I am (I guess) one of those “NIMBYS” the writer was referring to. We live next door to the Oak Bay Lodge. For the record, this writer takes exception to many comments in his letter.

I have never picketed a home in my life in Oak Bay or any other municipality.  I was not in attendance at the June 11 meeting and only read about the incident at the meeting in the newspaper on June 12.

I do not condone this type of behaviour at council meetings, nor am I even educated and know little about the “monster house” issues. The “NIMBY” and “bigots” comments are, to say the very least, hurtful and insulting.

Care of seniors in the Greater Victoria region, not only in Oak Bay, is vital. This could be a wonderful facility, just not in this location. It is too large, sitting on a hill at one of the most dangerous corners in Oak Bay with already serious traffic and parking issues located in a residential neighbourhood.

I just had to set the record straight.

Cathy Prevost

Oak Bay