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Letter: ‘Lazy’ yard maintenance creates a hassle for others

It’s called a leaf blower, that is very loud and useless.

As usual there are leaves all over my yard.

What do I do? Well, I get my five plastic garbage cans and a leaf rake and spend an hour outside picking up leaves, putting them into my five cans, loading the car and driving up to the Oak Bay municipal yard to dump them off.

There, done with it for the day.

Unfortunately, it appears that I’m about the only one along Currie Road in Oak Bay that does that.

One neighbour has a different idea about removing leaves from his property.

It’s called a leaf blower, that is very loud and useless.

He spends at least an hour, out blowing all the leaves off his property, the sidewalks and even the street around his place, onto everyone else’s  property.

The poor daycare on the east side of Newport now has to deal with most of his leaves all over their sidewalk.

Then there is the guy that picks up around the nearby dental building. He actually rakes up all his leaves onto a big piece of plastic, but then drags that plastic down the road about a block and piles them up in the street beside Windsor Park, for someone else to look after.

Lazy is what I’m going to call them, unfortunately the real words I would like to call them can’t be printed. My opinion.

Andrew Madding

Oak Bay