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Letter: Documentary producer clarifies caving comment

Caving club emphasizes safety, responsibility and respect for the land

We were happy to see the article on our program for VisionTV/Zoomer Media but too bad the broadcast date was mixed up.

We also wanted to clarify that one quote used, “crazed cavers from UVic” did not mean “crazy” or any disrespect for the two women who were generous with their time and enthusiasm in taking us to film at one of their caving locations.

What cavers do, how, and why they do it is fascinating and worth a whole film in itself. The UVic Caving Club emphasizes safety, responsibility and respect for the land. The caving sequence in the film was reduced from the first early cuts only because we had a wealth of good material to try and fit in a television hour (44 min.) The cave explorers were great. We would not want people to come away with the wrong impression from a phrase that was delivered on the phone with a smile and affection.

Heather MacAndrew

Asterisk Productions