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Independent thinkers wanted for council seats

How would a truly independent candidate for mayor or councillor hope to be elected anywhere?

Re: Cap municipal campaign spending (letters March 28).

Rather than decrying the amount of financial support that came from a host of local sources, it may well have been more appropriate to question how else would a truly independent candidate for mayor or councillor hope to be elected anywhere?

Party politics arrived in Oak Bay unannounced last year where an undeclared slate ran as a mutually supportive group aided by apparent support from some members of a community association and a provincial party.

Although a relative newcomer to Oak Bay’s political scene, Ms. Green’s related affiliations may have influenced her taking offence at such success in winning financial support from so many individuals.  These affiliations may also be cause to question whether she has noticed that one of her sister councillors obtained more than 50 per cent of her contributions from no less than four labour unions/federations, including CUPE, plus our local MP.

Hopefully, council will be cognizant of this conflict of interest position when addressing any issue related to the municipality’s unionized staff.

How indeed is an independent thinking, non-aligned person, to be elected?

Dennis McCarthy

Oak Bay