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Contraception, not culling, makes sense

In answer to a recent letter about deer I will gladly admit I am a deer hugger and a rabbit hugger.

In answer to a recent letter about deer I will gladly admit I am a deer hugger and a rabbit hugger. If I could I would hug a cougar as well. And yes I do eat meat but eschew red meat for health reasons.

If a hunter shot a deer offering a quick death I might even try venison.

But deer culls include trapping and holding a deer until it is brutally executed.

Animals in slaughterhouses are treated more humanely if you can call slaughtering animals humane.

Now the cougar story. I believe the cougar sighting and photograph were fake, as reported recently. There is no jungle telegraph telling the cougars that there are deer in Oak Bay and as one writer in stated (in local media), there is no sign on the Malahat telling cougars to go to Oak Bay for a good meal.

Culling deer or Canada geese does not work. If they are reproducing faster than humans then the contraceptive program recently proposed is the best solution.

William Jesse

Oak Bay