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Compassion is a limitless resource

Compassion is not limited to a choice between vulnerable people and caring about animals

Krista Henry’s letter to the editor (Feb. 27 Oak Bay News) is headlined “Deer distract community from real issues”. 

In my experience, compassion is not limited to a choice between vulnerable people and a focus on caring about animals. We can do both. That is actually exemplified by DeerSafe, as supporters I’m aware of are actively involved as workers, volunteers and donors with organizations, services and charities dedicated to the issues Ms. Henry is admirably devoted to.

Another letter writer on the same page offers her view: “A lot of good could come from the problem of the deer.”  In spite of divergent views, we are all learning to find ways of living with wildlife in our community, as Oak Bay will never be completely sanitized of animals other than pets.  My hope is for contraception rather than killing. 

Marion Cumming

Oak Bay