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Truck runs over cyclist's legs in Oak Bay

Slick roads in part to blame for cyclist momentarily pinned under truck tires

Slick roads led to a rough start to Friday the 13th for a cyclist in Oak Bay.  A 21 year old man was cycling eastbound on Haultain St. around 7:30 a.m. when a truck backing into a parking lot in the 2000 block backed into his path.

The cyclist tried to stop but slippery roads sent him into a skid, said Oak Bay police.

The truck backed over the cyclists's legs and the driver, 46, stopped when he heard the man yell, unfortunately with the tires resting on the cyclists legs.

The younger man suffered some road rash when the truck driver pulled the vehicle forward. The extent of  the cyclist's injuries are unknown, but he was taken to Royal Jubilee Hospital. Oak Bay police are investigating.