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70 years young: B.C. marine museum seeks salty stories to celebrate

The deadline is April 10 to submit a story, photo, artwork, poems or anything else for potential display

The Maritime Museum of BC looks to plant the seeds for a spring celebration of its 70th birthday.

Memories, recipes, snapshots and more are welcome as the agency seeks 70 Salty Stories to share.

“We know that when people hear the words ‘maritime museum’ images of ships and salty tales dominate,” events and development Anya Zanko said in a news release. “We know from our vibrant community of members, volunteers, board, and staff that everyone has a maritime memory or connection, no matter what their career or background. For our big 70th birthday party, we only want one gift: your favourite memory that connects you to the coast.”

Maritime life is not restricted to one career or experience; a memory can be a monumental adventure at sea, a small cherished moment, and anything in between.

“I grew up in Scottie Bay, on Lasqueti Island and have carried that view with me everywhere,” associate director Donna Livingstone said. “I can draw it in my sleep. When you spend time on an island – for a weekend, a summer, or a long hard-working life, you become a player in the island’s history. You know where to beachcomb after a heavy storm, you watch the forgiving tide come in and hide the dark rocks and barnacles. The memory of that stays with you like a hook in your cheek and never quite releases.”

Memories can be presented in many forms, and the project accepts any file format that can be uploaded onto a website.

The deadline is April 10 to submit a story, photo, artwork, poems or anything else for potential display.

Submit online at, email or visit the gallery at 744 Douglas St. where paper forms are available.

The 70 memories representing all facets of maritime life, work and leisure will be virtually launched on April 18 online at

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About the Author: Greater Victoria News Staff

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