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LETTER: Victoria’s part-time council doing permanent damage

(Black Press Media file photo)

Victoria council just voted against asking the province to postpone the new rules that will sharply reduce the number of short-term rentals that can operate in B.C., citing the housing crisis. This decision effectively throws many small-business people under the bus.

However, this same council permitted a corporate developer affiliated with the lobby group that got them elected to remove all affordability aspects of its luxury townhouse development on Foul Bay Road.

Similarly, this council has now given themselves a 25% pay increase, up to $68,000/year (disregarding the MNP Governance review that found “council’s pay is reflective of a part-time role”), while approving a nearly 50% tax increase to homeowners. Although, it should be noted that the mayor and Couns. Gardiner and Hammond opposed the motion.

This same council has blatantly limited accountability by reducing public hearings on new developments, allowing blanket up-zoning (Missing Middle), and curtailing the public’s ability to speak at council meetings (because it exceeded the time requirement of a part-time role).

Will their next move be to reduce the number of meetings they have?

Victorians need to wake up, speak out against these actions, and be prepared to vote these single-minded, self-serving councilors out.

Adele Davis
