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Letter: Speed a factor for deer on Salt Spring Island

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I am extremely disturbed by the headline of the Friday, Oct. 6 edition of the Oak Bay News, Charging deer hospitalizes local police chief.

The word “charging” is misleading. The deer on Salt Spring Island face a constant vehicle onslaught where the speed limit on its main roads is 80 km/h and 50 to 60 km/h on side roads. When my husband and I attended the Apple Festival on Salt Spring in October 2016 we passed several dead deer along the side of the road. The unfortunate police chief, riding his bicycle, who was hit by a deer was not “charged” by the deer, but rather, the deer evidently collided with him when it attempted to cross the road.

Wildlife, pets, children, and adults living on Salt Spring must face the challenge of crossing roads on which vehicles move at speeds of 50 to 80 km/h. I find it unconscionable that such high speeds are allowed on an island which markets itself as a retreat from the mad-paced world. I won’t be visiting Salt Spring Island again. My condolences to police chief Andy Briton.

Claire Paterson

Oak Bay

Editor’s note: Salt Spring Island also has park and school zones that are the standard 30 km/h speed limit.