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Letter: Roundabouts a ‘troubled solution’ to traffic

Re: Reduce traffic, not just speed on Granite, Your View, Oak Bay News Dec. 9 and Speed measures don’t address Granite St. issues, Dec. 14

Re: Reduce traffic, not just speed on Granite, Your View, Oak Bay News Dec. 9 and Speed measures don’t address Granite St. issues, Dec. 14

Oh my, more people failing to realize that roundabouts are a troubled “solution” and traffic calming devices do not stop deliberately dangerous drivers. Roundabouts impeded traffic from the side streets, and lead to gridlock at high volumes – that’s why Edmonton removed them.

Deliberately dangerous drivers take traffic calming devices as a challenge to zip around with their lowered hotrods or bounce over in their jacked-up pickups – they don’t have to pay to go to race tracks or off-road areas.

And median shrubbery hides jaywalkers – probably why Esquimalt now keeps theirs cut down.

The solution is more police feet on the street.

Will Oak Bay voters have the guts to get in the face of politicians, and vote for better next election?

(Less than two years to find and develop solid candidates and help them get elected.)

Humans are inherently good, but to thrive need protection against coercion by those who err.

Keith Sketchley

